This    course    is    designed    to    provide    knowledge,    skills    , and    the right    attitude    of    an    
individual    to    be    a    competent    automobile    mechanic    following    industry    
standards.    This    course    is    based    on    practical    exposure    in    different    areas    as    required    in    the    real    world    of    work    in    
the industry.        

This course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual to become competent as Auto Mechanic in accordance with industry standards. Upon completion of this course the graduates will be able to work in Automobile workshop where they can perform services  such as demonstrate professionalism development, safety and workshop practices; service suspension system, service steering system, service brake system, Overhaul power train, service engine auxiliary system and perform basic auto-electrical works.


To obtain the qualification of Auto Mechanic NC II, all learning outcomes prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

This course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual to become competent as Auto Mechanic in accordance with industry standards. Upon completion of this course the graduates will be able to work in Automobile workshop where they can perform services  such as demonstrate professionalism development, safety and workshop practices; service suspension system, service steering system, service brake system, Overhaul power train, service engine auxiliary system and perform basic auto-electrical works.


To obtain the qualification of Auto Mechanic NC II, all learning outcomes prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

This Course is intended to help those studying the electrical systems of automotive
 vehicle to understand the wiring and construction of the electrical components
 related to National Certificate level 3. To understand the content of this course, one
 must complete the National Certificate level 2. The symbols and notations used in
 this engineering drawing course are drawn from the information provided by the
 world's leading automobile manufacturers and global standards.
 The course also covers mechanical construction and the physical laws of electricity,
 which are concepts that must be known in order to actually repair a malfunctioning
 automobile, and includes practical and efficient troubleshooting methods based on
 these concepts. It is hoped that through this engineering drawing course trainees will
 gain knowledge of troubleshooting, interpreting the wiring diagram and be able to
 efficiently draw the automotive electrical diagram for innovation and modification.

This curriculum is designed to provide knowledge, skills and right attitude of an individual 
to be a competent auto electrician in accordance with industry standards through the 
mode of Dual Training Program (DTP). This course is based on practical exposure in 
different areas as required in the real world of work in the industry.   
Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to carry out servicing of heating & 
ventilation system (Electrical components), servicing of vehicle safety & security system 
and servicing of Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system  
In addition, this course will also prepare the graduates to comply with regulatory and 
organizational requirements for practicing Occupational Health and Safety procedures.   
This course also includes the soft skills components such as basic computer application, 
entrepreneurship, numeracy, communication and value education to supplement core 
competencies and enhance practical skills.  

This curriculum is designed to provide knowledge, skills and right attitude of an
individual to be a competent Automobile mechanic in accordance with industry
standards through the mode of Dual Training Program (DTP). This course is based on
practical exposure in different areas as required in the real world of work in the industry.
Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to perform engine tune up and
overhaul engine.
In addition, this course will also prepare the graduates to comply with regulatory and
organizational requirements for practicing Occupational Health and Safety procedures.
This course also includes the soft skills components such as basic computer application,
numeracy, communication and value education to supplement core competencies and
enhance practical skills.

This curriculum is designed to provide knowledge, skills and right attitude of an individual 
to be a competent auto electrician in accordance with industry. This course is based on 
practical exposure in different areas as required in the real world of work in the industry.   
Upon completion of the course, graduates will be able to perform basic electrical works 
such as: applying fundamentals of electricity, maintaining automobile batteries, charging 
& lighting system, maintaining ignition & starting system and maintaining electrical 
In addition, this course will also prepare the graduates to comply with regulatory and 
organizational requirements for practicing Occupational Health and Safety procedures.   
This course also includes the soft skills components such as basic computer application, 
entrepreneurship, numeracy, communication and value education to supplement core 
competencies and enhance practical skills.  

This course is designed to provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual to become competent as Auto Mechanic in accordance with industry standards. Upon completion of this course the graduates will be able to work in Automobile workshop where they can perform services  such as demonstrate professionalism development, safety and workshop practices; service suspension system, service steering system, service brake system, Overhaul power train, service engine auxiliary system and perform basic auto-electrical works.


To obtain the qualification of Auto Mechanic NC II, all learning outcomes prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.